Luke 6:1-11 - Jesus confrontation with the Pharisees over the Sabbath
Luke 5:1-11
We meet John in Luke ch 3. We are introduced to the context that John lived in and engage his preaching 'Bear Fruit Worthy of Repentance'.
Message Notes
Questions for Reflection
John the Baptist was a radical figure who attracted those who did not fit into 'good' society including tax collectors and soldiers.
What groups/types of people today might be attracted to a radical fringe figure who didn't fit in?
What do you think John would say today to those people who came to hear him?
John's basic message to the crowds was
Share if you can (crowds)
Don't be greedy (tax collectors)
Do the right thing even if it is normal to use your power for your own benefit (soldiers)
What might be John's message to us in our church today?
John and Jesus came at a time of political upheaval and people looking for revolution - are there parallels with our world today?
In Jesus time different groups proposed different solutions
Essenes : separate and be holy
Pharisees : follow the Law
Sadducees : protect the institution
Zealots : become activists
What are some of the different groups today and what solutions do they propose?
Followers of Jesus are called to ONLY put our faith (trust/loyalty/obedience) in Christ and no other power.
How do you see Christians today are tempted to trust in other powers?
What might it mean for you to 'bear fruit worthy of repentance' today - how might you let Love of God and Neighbour
1. Shape your belief?
2. Shape your heart?
3. Shape your actions?
Message on Jesus as a boy in the temple - grappling with what it means to see Jesus as both fully human AND fully GOD.
Touching on the apocalyptic nature of the Gospel - Jesus 'unveils' the image of God