Sunday Worship - Face-to-face and Online
For face-to-face worship just turn up, 9am on Sunday, or 5:30pm Sunday nights of school term.
We have plenty of room, plenty of parking!
Online Worship Here is the LINK you need to begin to watch online worship!
Once you get there - click on the Video for the Sunday you want to watch.
If you haven't yet joined our community for care and support - e-mail us your details - info[a]
If you want to give you offerings electronically - check out the Payment link above, or here are the Bank details for direct debit.
BSB 014010
Account No; 191632958
Reference: Offering [surname]
The 2024 Annual Report is now available to read here.
Back in 2013 Redcliffe Uniting invited artists from SE Qld to take a passage from the scripture and make an artwork that would provide 50 artworks to travel through the story of the Old Testament. Now you can download the booklet here. Such a wonderful project and amazing result!
Here you will find our 2023 AGM Report! Read all the exciting new from RUC for 2023!