Come and enjoy our annual Lolly worship and Day camp re-union, without the taste!
In the notes you can fast forward to the Message
Christians believe God’s main way of communicating with us is Scripture. How do we work time in Scripture into our daily life?
In the notes you will find a menu to the various parts of the service.
Today we start with prayer, the very first basic we need to be disciples of Christ, but Jesus had a strange way of teaching his disciples to pray.
You will find the whole service in this link - but in the notes you will see links to the sermon, etc.
Come and join us as we begin our Discipleship series, with special guest musicians.
12 Stones. 9am Sunday 24 July 2022. The opening Worship of our new Community HUB. Sorry about the sound! Joshua 4:1-9 and Acts 2:42-47. Sermon starts 53:00
Our first Live Streamed worship - Becky Clark Leading. Paul Clark Preaching, on Joshua 1:1-11.
The sermon begins at 38:00
Today I have placed blessings and curses before you - Choose Life.
Tim Griggs brings a great reflection on Moses final appeal to his people - what are the choices we need to make?
Right near the end of Numbers we have this story of the 'Transjordan Tribes' - why 2 and a half tribes end up East of the Jordan - and happily there. There's something is this story that shows the transformation of the Israelites. How they have gone from having their heads in the clouds, to their feet on the ground. How they have begun to become people of their word.
A powerful reflection from Paul Clark
Rev Dr Adam McIntosh explores leadership through this simple yet powerful example of good leadership. Mutual submission, seeing ourselves in time and understanding the times!